What we do

Based in the heart of Bedfordshire, no.143 is a small scale, family run aipiary. We have been keeping bees at the property since 1976 and have a multi-generational family of beekeepers. Our priority is keeping happy healthy bees.

Wax Products

Our wax food wraps are an ideal way to cut down on plastic waste. We collect the wax by-product from our hives to produce sustainable wax based products.

Bedfordshire Honey

Our honey is single source, localy produced, Bedfordshire mixed blossom honey. We never import, blend or include additives in our honey.

Swarm Collection

We offer a free swarm removal service during the summer months. If you believe you have found a settled swarm, please call us and we will remove it if safe to do so.

Interested in a product? Contact us.

Our Hives

Information about some of the hives we keep at no. 143.

Crabapple Hive

Our oldest colony of bees underneath a mature crabapple tree.

Middle Bed Hive

Situated in the garden's central flower bed.

Larch Tree Hive

A freshly repaired WBC style hive, ready for a swarm.

Our current projects

What we are working on.

Honey Stalls

We were honoured to be invited to run a stall at Flitton open gardens.

Extraction season

It's the time of year when we are busy extracting honey.

Honey Jar Rebranding

We have a new design for our honey jar labels.

Our Beekeepers

Meet our team of Beekeepers

Rob Schwar

Lead Beekeeper
Graphic design

Ernest Parry

Retired Beekeeper

Liz Schwar

Business Manager

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us through this website.